"Transform Your Aquarium with Aquatic Plant Wonders"

Bacopa caroliniana Leaves

Bacopa caroliniana Leaves

Scientific name: Bacopa caroliniana

Bacopa caroliniana ‘Yellow Flame’ is an eye-catching plant whose vivid yellow-tinted leaves complement any aquarium or terrarium. Its vibrant growth and striking color provide your arrangement a dynamic visual effect that enhances its beauty and intrigue. This plant not only adds visual appeal but also serves a functional purpose by fostering a healthy environment and giving little aquatic critters places to hide. A calm, realistic scene is enhanced by the vibrant vegetation. Bacopa caroliniana ‘Yellow Flame’ adds a touch of nature’s artistic flair to any area, whether it is utilized as the main feature or part of a bigger arrangement. For enthusiasts wishing to add a pop of brilliant color to their terrestrial or aquatic landscapes, it’s the ideal solution because it’s simple to use and maintain.



Size range

Water type


Botanical location

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Shipping Rates and Policies

Below is a comprehensive table detailing our shipping rates for various countries and weight categories. These rates are designed to provide transparent and competitive pricing for all our customers. Note that the rates listed are inclusive of the fuel surcharge and are subject to the terms and conditions outlined above.

Above 70 Kgs – Below Rate to be Multiplied by the Number of Kg’s

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